The Vixen POLARIE is a new camera accessory, that enables you to capture sharp, point-like images of the stars. It has been developed to track the stars and to compensate for the movement of the earth. POLARIE enables you to take atmospheric shots of landscapes and the night sky and can also capture these in sharp images. Extremely simple and compact design for use in every location on earth.
If you have ever viewed a romantic, starry sky, you will surely have felt the desire to capture it on film. But if you have tried to do this, you will know that it’s really not all that easy. This is because you need to have multiple exposures of several minutes if you want to photograph the stars. As our earth is always turning on its axis, the stars keep moving as time passes and become long strokes on photographs. Today’s digital technology gives us the option of obtaining shorter exposure times by increasing the sensitivity of the sensor, but, unfortunately, this dramatically increases picture noise and the picture becomes very noisy and ugly. This makes it impossible to take beautiful images of the night sky. For this reason, the Vixen company has developed the Polarie Star Tracker, which eliminates the problem of star migration. When you attach your camera to the Polarie, the device will track in the opposite direction of earth’s rotation and this allows for sharp, point-like images of the starry sky even when using long exposure times.
POLARIE is a new and unique camera accessory for photographing the night sky, with perfectly point-like stars being tracked. Using the simplest solution, it makes the experience of photographing the night sky more accessible for everyone. The multi-functional mode dial is adjustable for sky- and landscape-, moon-, sun- and star-tracking. Polar altimeter for a fast focus. Also included: USB connection for external power supply and a built-in compass for quick orientation. Available as optional extra accessories are a polar finder telescope for exact alignment with the celestial pole for long-exposure photography including into the telephoto range, and a tripod.